Demolishing Strongholds
The language in these verses is decidedly military. Paul likened obstacles to the gospel to military fortifications, hills or cities occupied by an enemy. His task as a spiritual commander, under Christ, was to remove these strongholds which dominated people's minds and hearts. At the core of each stronghold is the idea that humans can out-manoeuvre God. It is their power and energy which will win the day, and not His. They become substitutes for God because He is the only safe stronghold (Psalm 27:1).
But Paul did not use military methods of violent force or mental manipulation: despite the chaos caused by false teachers, it was not a wrestling match with them (Ephesians 6:12). Yes, Paul was certainly human with his body covered in flesh; he did not make war in a fleshly way using muscular strength or lethal weapons. His weapons were of God's Word and prayer (Ephesians 6:18-20) which have God's astonishingly powerful ability to demolish the strongholds with the truth (Hebrews 4:12-13). Every evil stronghold is a sham, a facade without real substance – pretending that wickedness is good and righteousness is unnecessary; they produce spiritual instability and shipwreck (1 Timothy 1:19).
Paul had no personal ambitions except that the truth of the gospel should explode the myths of this shadowy world. The only thing that mattered to him was that believers became obedient to Christ (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). His methods were simple: he preached the truth and prayed that God would bring conviction, conversion and redemption. Where strongholds were in the way, they had to go as people submitted to what God was saying through the apostle's teaching. Paul is bold and says that he and his team have the authority to demolish false arguments as they proclaim the truth. Those who refused to accept the call to obey the apostle's teaching would be put out of the church (1 Corinthians 5:1-5).
Spiritual strongholds are not just selfish ideas, but lies which have been embraced until they become god-like in their authority. Satan and his demons encourage such foolishness (2 Corinthians 11:14) and only God's power can break the hold. God's weapon is truth in the mouths of Christ's servants wherever they may be found, gospel focussed and prayerful. It may be that we also recognise areas in which lies have taken a hold. We must expose them to the laser-like light of God's Word, and ask for His help to demolish whatever stands between us and Him.
© Dr Paul Adams