Veiled and Unveiled Ministry
Paul has been accused of being too enthusiastic for the gospel. But the expectation of sharing Christ's glory spurred him on. Contrasting the new covenant of grace with the old covenant of law given to Moses, Paul said that there is no reason to hold back from gospel ministry. Moses had to veil his face because the glory was temporary (Exodus 34:33-35). That was also a parable about the nature of the law – it was splendid but soon became only a reminder of punishment to come. No 'law-based religion' can have any lasting hope or glory, as is still seen today.
But the gospel is so different. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13). Not only has He paid the penalty for our sin, He also removes God's wrath and gives us a righteousness we have not earned and do not deserve (Romans 3:21-24). We can see the glory of God's righteous law without shame or cringing guilt. That happens whenever anybody looks to Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. But those who refuse to receive His grace remain with their minds shrouded and clouded, muddled and mystified (2 Corinthians 4:4).
The Holy Spirit is given to everybody who turns to Christ as Saviour and Lord (Romans 8:9). Indeed, it is only through His power that we can take such a radical step away from our self-absorbed state. Unlike the old covenant law which bound people into slavery, the covenant of grace liberates people to be children of God filled with His Spirit (Galatians 4:6). As His children, we are welcomed close to God. The more we look to Him, the more we see of His glory, and the more we are emboldened to share His gospel.
There is no reason to hold back from sharing the gospel story. It is not a mystery to be decoded; it is a straightforward and factual message inviting people to the glories of Christ's eternal kingdom ( So do not confuse people or make it complicated for them to come to Jesus. Keep looking to the Lord yourself, keep thanking Him for His salvation, keep worshipping Him as the Lord of glory, keep anticipating His second coming in glory and the eternal glories yet to be revealed … as you do you will become more like Him and become bolder as the Holy Spirit leads you to speak of Christ.
© Dr Paul Adams