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Jesus' Power Brings Conviction Of Sin

Acts 19:17-20

Seven men, the sons of the chief priest in Ephesus, had failed to exorcise a demonised man. Seeing Paul's authority over evil, they commanded the evil spirit to go 'in the Name of Jesus whom Paul preaches'.

Gospel Motivation, Direction, Timing and Team

Acts 19:21-22

Paul's visit to Ephesus lasted about three years (Acts 19:8-10), the longest period Paul spent in any city during his missionary journeys, according to Luke.

Godless Money Worries

Acts 19:23-27

Businesses and trades ought to be concerned about anything which may affect their profit. It was the same in 1stC Ephesus as in any market today. However, one trade was particularly worried about the effect of Paul's preaching on their business. He said that if human beings created them, they could not be real gods with real power (

Fear Of Losing Control

Acts 19:28-34

The silversmiths, who made models of Diana's (Artemis) temple in Ephesus, were very worried and angry. Paul had been preaching that the pagan gods had neither personality nor any divine power (Acts 19:26-27).

More Than Pragmatic Wisdom

Acts 19:35-41

Wisdom is not just a phenomenon enjoyed by believers. God who is all-wise will give wisdom, even to those who do not believe, so that His purposes will be achieved (Daniel 2:21).

An Opportunity From Opposition

Acts 20:1-3a

When opposition comes, our natural response is to fear, freeze or run away in any direction. Paul knew differently. When one door of opportunity for the gospel was closed, he always knew that the Lord would open another. The apostle's teaching over two and a half to three years in Ephesus had been fruitful. Many people in the area knew about Jesus, and the church became a group of people who loved the Lord wholeheartedly (

God's Teams, Flexible And On The Move

Acts 20:3b-6

God keeps on moving His people: wherever they go, the gospel goes. It is truly international. So is the church. These few verses summarise the first part of Paul's return journey from Corinth back to Jerusalem. After the winter storms, Paul had intended to travel by ship from Corinth (via the southern port of Cenchrea) to Seleucia (the port for Antioch). But just as the boat was about to leave, he received a message that religious plotters intended to attack him on his arrival. So instead he decided to go overland on the Roman military eastern coastal road to Philippi.

Gospel Priority

Acts 20:7-12

This true story has often been treated with amusement – the Apostle Paul preached for a long time until a young man, sitting in an open window-space, fell asleep and dropped three storeys onto the ground outside. Some say: therefore, preachers should keep people awake with short sermons, and not send them to sleep with long ones. But stop: the meaning is very different.

God's Timetable

Acts 20:13-16

Looking at these verses, you might wonder why they are included in Holy Scripture, as it appears to be only an account of island-hopping by ship along, what is now, the west coast of Turkey. Luke who is recording the events, was there; his detailed description adds to the authenticity of the whole narrative. It also has a sense of urgency because Paul was keen to get to Jerusalem by Pentecost – the greatest international gathering of national and displaced Jews, who Paul longed to evangelise.

God's Appointment Fulfilled

Acts 20:17-21

When the Lord Jesus commissioned Paul, he was sent to preach the gospel to Gentiles, their kings, and the Jews; and to suffer (Acts 9:15-16).
