Word@Work, Let God's Word energise your working day!

Poetry in Motion

Ephesians 2:10
For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (NIVUK)

The disciplines of engineering and art are intended to have radically different end points. Engineers produce function and artists induce emotion. However, in product design and architecture both are combined. It is the same with God's people. We are both functional and beautiful because the word 'handiwork' comes from the Greek word that gives us 'poem'. God has designed us to be fully functional in His Kingdom, and to bring much pleasure and glory to Him.

The word 'created' in this verse was used about the establishment of a military garrison, city or colony. Whilst it is true that, individually, we are unique works of God's creation (Psalm 139:13-16) we, the body of Christ, have been created and placed together as a colony of heaven (Titus 2:11-14). This is no accident. It was always God's plan, that through the death and resurrection of Jesus, children of God would be created (2 Corinthians 5:17) and new Christlike communities would be formed within every part of human society. They are to represent Him on earth (2 Corinthians 5:20) and prepare the earth for His return by proclaiming the gospel and living like Him (Colossians 1:28).

We are certainly not intended to be museum pieces: to be admired either as trendy modern art or as relics of a more graceful age! God intends that His artistry shall be revealed in the dynamic of our walk of faith: poetry in motion. However, the motion is no free-style choreography; it has been carefully planned in advance by the God who fits all our little roles into His big purpose (Ephesians 1:10). We have been created to work according to His purpose, and our new birth brings with it a fresh confirmation that we are responsible to get on with the job, together (Ephesians 3:10-11).

Working for Jesus does not start in some far-flung mission field; it begins where we are. The work place is the ideal place to be a fully functional spiritual masterpiece (in the making!). It is the place where we spend the most time with the people we see most often. It is also the place where it is essential to make real fellowship connections with other believers: pray together, study God's Word together and encourage each other in the essential disciplines of godly living - justice, mercy and humility. So start each day and ask the Lord to lead you into those good things that will glorify Him, which He has already planned for you to do, ideally in company with other believers and supported by the prayers of the church.

Dear Lord. Thank You for having created me to be a beautiful and functional part of the Body of Christ. I am sorry that I often see myself as an individual, and not part of your colony of grace; also that I often fail to see the purposes which You have planned for me to work at with You. Help me to realise that You have created me to work according to Your plan, today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams