Saturated by Love
It is not often that employees are allowed to see all the senior managers' plans for the future of the business. But Christians have the privilege of knowing much more about God and His purposes. Jesus said that He did not call His disciples, 'servants', but 'friends' with whom He would share so much (John 15:13-15). The Bible lets us into the secrets of creation and the end of the world; something of the mysteries of heaven and hell; and to know the extreme depth of God's love for us (Titus 3:4-7). And that is not only knowledge, but an intimate understanding of the relationship God wants to have with us, and the power to engage with Him.
The love of God is like rich soil which nourishes plants and trees (Psalm 1:3). It is the foundation of Christian security and the wellspring of a Christian's character. God's love is constant because God is love: it is His character as well as His acts of grace and mercy (1 John 4:7-10). His love is so large: nothing is so big that it cannot be covered by His love – particularly our sins or troubles (1 Peter 4:8). His love is personal and yet infinite: the distance from the earth to the stars illustrates the scope and intensity of God's love available for those who put their trust in Christ (Psalm 103:11).
All who are confident of God's love in Christ, become settled in their hearts and steady in their minds (1 John 3:1). They develop the ability to receive God's love, more and more; they become filled with His love so that they can overflow with genuine love for others. Paul's prayer is that this process might continue gathering momentum, until every believer is saturated with the loving character of Christ. Knowing that we are loved by God, is not just a matter of factual understanding; it empowers us to decide to allow Him to saturate every part of us, as He gives to us all that He has for us. Our role is to receive, and to respond with thanks as we become like the One who loves us.
The workaday world is intended to be functional; it demands that we achieve objectives. God's love is relational and gives even more than we dare to ask. The person who is satisfied by that love, should be in a good position to ease working relationships and tackle the daily demands without the stress of personal insecurity (Psalm 90:14). Such a man or woman can pray through the problems, relaxed that when we don't have the answer, God does. To go home with a mind and heart full of thanksgiving for answered prayer, and power to make godly decisions, is the sign of a good day's work – the evidence of being saturated by Christ's love. Today is another day to choose to recognise how much God loves you; to let Him love you and then to go into the day in His power. It is also a good day to pray for another believer that he or she may take hold of God's love in a fresh way.
© Dr Paul Adams