The Revealed Son
Paul, previously, had no desire to think or speak well of Jesus. He believed that the concept of Jesus as the Son of God was blasphemous and it was his religious duty to eradicate such nonsense. The wave of persecution which Paul had encouraged was violent and indiscriminate – men and women who believed in Jesus were liable to face beatings, prison and death.
The change in Paul’s life came when God revealed to him the identity of Jesus of Nazareth. He was no ordinary man, but was the Son of God in a human body. When Jesus spoke to him directly, Paul then knew that Jesus was divinely powerful with an enduring personal identity. It was God’s gracious call. Although Paul had been brought up to believe that God had called him, it was only a religious concept until Christ’s call came personally - then he knew that he must answer, and submit to the Lord he had been fighting.
Paul did not need more theological learning. He simply needed God to reveal the identity of Jesus Christ, and agree that Jesus was right and he was wrong. We cannot argue people into the Kingdom of God, but we can and must tell out the gospel message and explain the identity of Jesus. He is the key to eternity. God uses the gospel information, which believers scatter like seed, and convinces people that Jesus is the Son of God, who has the power to save and give new life, as well as the authority to judge those who refuse His call. Passing that information and persuading people to examine it is the responsibility of each believer: revealing the identity of Jesus to a sinful heart is God’s. So we have a work to do alongside God, trusting Him to show Himself and draw people to submit to His authority.
© Dr Paul Adams