Jesus Truly Meets Our Need
The problem with every religious system is that all their officials and priests, ministers, pastors, elders and deacons - are sinners who, themselves, need saving from God's wrath (Romans 5:9). Under the Old Testament law, the priests were compelled to offer sacrifices for their own sins (Leviticus 16:6): an admission that they were unholy, blameworthy, impure – they were sinners as much as the people whose sacrifices they offered to God.
Priests like that can certainly sympathise with our weakness but have no power to change our hearts. However many times they offer sacrifices, they cannot make people holy, nor be more holy themselves. They are as much in need of God's mercy and grace as the rest of us. That is why Jesus truly meets our need; and everybody's deepest need. His sacrifice never needs to be repeated (Hebrews 10:12-14): it is complete. Jesus is so different from human priests: He is utterly holy, totally blameless, completely pure and entirely sinless. Also, He is always in the presence of Father God – where He intercedes for us (Hebrews 7:25).
Jesus, who is perfect, has the power to perfect us. He is at work in our hearts (Hebrews 13:21) giving us a new desire to please Him. More than that, one day, when we meet Him, we will be perfect like Him (Hebrews 12:23). God has guaranteed this, under oath (Psalm 110:4). And he really does care. He knows what it is like to be human, to struggle against temptation, to be hated and to suffer (Hebrews 2:17-18; 4:15-16).
Our greatest human need is to be loved by God, forgiven and restored to relationship with Him. Only Jesus can do that for us. It is the message of the gospel and it must be shared - because there is no one else who can completely save all the people who come to God through Him (Hebrews 7:25). Jesus is a wonderful Saviour and if you know Him, how can you keep that good news to yourself? If you are uncertain about how to present the gospel see Rejoice in your salvation and introduce your friends to Him as well. He will truly meet their need too.
© Dr Paul Adams