Fully Under God's Hand
Although the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ was the most wicked act of rebellion against the God of Love, it was also fully under His control. It did not take Him by surprise; it was all known by God and even described in detail in the Old Testament – many hundreds of years before it happened.
The soldiers’ refusal to break Jesus’ legs was in line with God’s requirements for the Passover Lamb to be respected even though killed as a sacrifice. Exodus 12:46 says, "Do not break any of the bones”. Numbers 9:12 emphasises that and also showed that ‘Jesus the sacrifice’ must not stay on the cross overnight, “They must not leave any of it till morning or break any of its bones.” And Psalm 34:20 prophesied that God, “protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.” Likewise the pierced side of Jesus was prophesied in Zechariah 12:10.
It was very bad, but God was still in control. Nothing happened that God had not allowed. Although death looked final, He knew it was not. Although it seemed a pointless waste, it was God’s way of becoming the Passover sacrifice for sin – once and for all time. That is the essence of the Christian faith: that Jesus Christ was God in a human body who willingly accepted the punishment for all our sin – so that those who believe in Him should have eternal life (John 3:16). This is the only message of hope which God has authorised for sinful people who live under unfair suffering. He knows all about you too and will show grace to those who ask Him (Hebrews 4:15-16). If you believe it, then trust Him and share it with others (www.crosscheck.org.uk)!
© Dr Paul Adams