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Anger And Confusion

John 18:29-32

Pilate was the final legal authority in Israel.  He was accountable to the Emperor in Rome.  The records of whatever he decided could also be used to accuse him.  Already he had made some unwise decisions and Rome was watching him.  So, when the religious leaders brought Jesus to Pilate, he knew that he must follow the proper processes of Roman law.  He demanded to know what crime Jesus had committed.

The Identity Of The Prisoner

John 18:33-36

Jesus had done nothing wrong.  Pilate did not first ask Him about His supposed crime, but His identity.  In asking if He was the king of the Jews, Pilate might elicit self-confessed treason.  Jesus replied, interrogating Pilate if he believed that He was the King of Israel, or if he was simply parroting the Jewish leaders.  Pilate appeared to refuse to get involved in theology and went back to the legal reason for His arrest.  But it was the only legal charge he could make over a 100% righteous person, and, when he was crucified, he ordered that “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews” was nai

The King Of Truth

John 18:37

Jesus did not hide His identity.  He was a King, although He was careful to say that His kingdom did not have any land territory (John 18:36).  All kings and rulers have to be appointed and recognised by their people, but Jesus was appointed and anointed by God (Psalm 2:6).

Perverting The Course Of Justice

John 18:38-40

Pilate was the supreme Judge of Israel, but he did not recognise truth when it stared him in the face.  He did not recognise Jesus’ identity as the Truth (John 14:6).  Jesus was not guilty of any charge.  Pilate knew that, but he had no courage to release the prisoner.  Pilate feared another riot by the Jews who were insistent that Jesus should die.  Another riot would demonstrate Pilate’s inability to keep order in Israel: not only would he lose his job, he might also lose his head.

Violence And Humility

John 19:1-3

It is impossible for followers of Jesus to read this passage and not have some sense of outrage.  How dare anybody abuse God the Son, the King of kings and the Saviour of the world!  It is a right reaction.  The graphic descriptions are distressing - violent flogging with metal-tipped whips, long thorns rammed into Jesus’ scalp, fists and wooden poles smashing into His face.  The verbal abuse was full of derision, ridiculing His claim to be King (John 18:37).

The Criminal Charge Against Jesus

John 19:4-7

Pilate, the Roman Governor, had no reason to put Jesus to death.  There was no legal charge to put against Him: and without a legal reason to execute Jesus, the Governor could be stripped of his office, or worse.  The charge that the religious leaders brought was blasphemy (but that was not recognised in Roman law).

The Fear Of Guilt

John 19:8-11

Pilate was afraid.  He feared that mishandling the ‘Jesus crisis’ might result in another religious riot, and he would be recalled to Rome to lose his job and possibly his head.  He also feared Jesus.  Everybody knew that He claimed to be the Son of God (John 19:7).  When Jesus refused to answer Pilate’s questions, the governor was scared.

The Weak Point Of The Strong Man

John 19:12-16

Pilate was powerful and strong-minded, but he was also weak and afraid.  He feared for his job, his reputation and his life.  His weakest point was fear of punishment by Caesar.  The religious people took full advantage of that, especially when they heard that Jesus had told Pilate that He was the King of the Jews (John 18:37).  They certainly did not want Him as their King; however, to claim to be a king, on Caesar’s territory, was treason – an offence punishable by death.

Outside The City, Inside The Criminals

John 19:17-18

Everything seemed to be wrong.  Jesus was not a criminal; He had done nothing wrong.  John wrote that He carried His own cross.  Was it His cross?  It was certainly the cross on which He was to be crucified and, as the Creator God, it was cut from the tree He had made; and He was nailed to it with the iron He had created.  It was the cross He had chosen to bear but He did not deserve it because He would suffer for our sins, not His own.

A Sign For The Nations

John 19:19-22

Pilate had been wrong to crucify Jesus because He had committed no crime, and the trumped-up charge of treason was not validated by any evidence (John 18:38; John 19:4; John 19:6).  But the Roman Governor was right about one thing, and he nailed his conclusion to Jesus’ cross for all to see.  The Jesus (a common name in Israel at that time) who was crucified was the ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ who the whole country knew about from His teaching and miracles.  He was God’s anointed King over Israel and indeed over the whole world.  So, when Pilate ordered that the wooden noticeboard be nailed to Jesu
