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Closer Than Deduction or Mysticism

Luke 17:20-21
Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, ‘The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, “Here it is,” or “There it is,” because the kingdom of God is in your midst.’ (NIVUK)

Although Jesus had been preaching about the Kingdom of God for some time, the proud and legalistic Pharisees did not understand.  Nor did the disciples (John 12:16).  So, the Pharisees’ questions were also training opportunities for Jesus to instruct His trainee apostles, who would then teach the truth to the Early Church.

The question was simple: ‘When would God’s kingdom come?’  Of all the religious sects in Israel, they took God’s Law in the Old Testament the most seriously.  They believed that God would send a Messiah King to deliver them.  However, their mindset could only think about a superior military force that would bring back the prosperity and security of King David's day.  Doubtless all sorts of learned people had been searching the scriptures for a prophetic explanation; and some had pretended to be the Messiah trying to get others to follow them. But the Pharisees were no wiser.  For some though, the question was intended to trap Jesus: if He claimed to be the Messiah King then they could report Him to the Romans on a charge of treason against Caesar (John 19:7; John 19:14-16).

Jesus said that God's rule on earth could not be understood by logical deduction or intense mysticism.  Its arrival cannot be calculated like the predictable positions of stars, because God's kingdom on earth exists wherever Jesus Christ is honoured and obeyed.  By saying 'the kingdom of God is in your midst', Jesus was saying, ‘I am here in the middle of you, I am the King; follow me’.  He was not encouraging so called 'spiritual introspection' or 'creative imagining' (like many of the mystics of that day and ours).  Jesus was simply saying, ‘You don't need to look any further; I am the King, follow me!’  By accepting Jesus as King, we willingly submit ourselves to His authority and obey what He says.

Many people today are shocked by the apparent simplicity of the gospel.  They are surprised that there is no spiritual league table based on academic qualifications, religious logic, good works or mysterious enlightenment.  The plain truth is that when people believe in Jesus and submit to Him, they become a part of God's kingdom (John 1:12).  When they hear and obey the word of Christ, His kingdom starts operating within them; they become citizens of His kingdom for all eternity.  Whatever your situation, good or bad, simply trust Jesus to exercise His power in Your life and in the lives of others around you.   See www.crosscheck.org.uk to know more - and tell others about Him too.

Wonderful God. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ so that we might believe in Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. Forgive me when I have allowed even the intricacies of Bible Study or the responsibilities of church government to distract my attention away from the simple truth that 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners'. Help me to treasure Your mercy and grace towards me, and not to think that my inclusion in Your kingdom is because of anything I have done. And I do not want any of my friends and colleagues to think that their route to Your kingdom is through their good works, but by grace alone. Help them to see that submitting themselves to Jesus, with all their sin and shame and weakness, is the start of being in His kingdom. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams