Missing the Point
The story of the Good Samaritan is well known even by those who have no interest in obeying Jesus. It is assumed to be a tale of good over evil and to teach that moral spirituality is best shown by those who help others irrespective of social preferences. And, in a small part, that is true. But it was not the lesson which Jesus taught to the religious expert who was trying to justify himself (Luke 10:29).
The theologian wanted to check that Jesus agreed with the Jewish view that those who fully obeyed God would inherit eternal life (Luke 10:25), and, therefore, those who did not, would not. So, Jesus told the story about a Samaritan, a despised half-caste Jew who showed mercy, in comparison to Jewish religious officials who ignored the plight of the injured man. The definition of 'neighbour' was now clear. If you cannot show mercy, there is no relationship. But if mercy flows, a relationship has already started.
Jesus' mission was to enable people to have a relationship with Father God, not based on people simply obeying the finer points of the Law (nobody can do that), but by receiving the mercy which is offered through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (www.crosscheck.org.uk). Embedded in the parable is Jesus Himself: the despised teacher who was willing to bring the wounded back to health at His own cost (1 Peter 2:24), while the religious leaders ignored the spiritual plight of the world.
It is God’s mercy which marks our relationship with Him. He saw our plight and intervened – the death of Christ providing God with a way to righteously atone for our sins at His own expense. Once we understand how great is the mercy given to us, we can also be merciful to others (1 Timothy 1:16). The legalist cannot understand mercy; everything good must be earned and everything bad must be punished. The mercy-receiver understands forgiveness and can forgive others. Mercy marks our understanding of the gospel, grace, sin, forgiveness, obedience and service in the face of opposition (1 Peter 1:3-9). Try doing a 'mercy check' on yourself today; it is a useful measure of your relationship with the Lord.
© Dr Paul Adams