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Mission Strategy

Luke 10:1
After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. (NIVUK)

In case anybody should think that only the disciples were being trained in ministry (and therefore 'ordinary' believers have no responsibility in evangelism), Luke includes this episode.  The Twelve had already been sent out on mission (Luke 9:1-6); now 72 others were told to go out.  Their task was simply to announce that Jesus was coming, and that people needed to get ready for Him.  It was the same job as John the Baptist's, to prepare the way for the Lord (Luke 3:4).  But in addition, they were to demonstrate the power of God's Kingdom over sickness, as well as over ignorance and evil, in the Name of Jesus.

They were to be heralds, fore-runners, announcers: practical prophets who said, ‘We have met the Son of God, heard His truth and seen His power, and here is a sample of His kindness: welcome Him when He comes to your town!’  Their task was critically linked with the expectation that Jesus would come to satisfy those who believed in every way.  In the same way that Jesus sent out the Twelve in pairs, He sent the 72 two by two.  This was partly for company and to increase their courage, and partly to check the pride which so easily creeps into 'successful' ministry.  Jesus promised His presence where two or three believers met and worked together for Him (Matthew 18:20).  The key was that they were working with the Lord, under His instruction and expecting Him to complete the work.

Evangelism, mission and ministry were never intended to be complicated.  All they require is the courage to say the truth about Jesus, and to demonstrate something of His truth and power to change lives.  Find a Christian friend, pray together and seek the Lord's wisdom about where, when, and how to share this wonderful message - meeting the needs of others as you go (Matthew 18:19).  

Of course, a fore-runner will have no confidence to announce a great person’s power if they do not believe that he will act in power.  We need to keep growing in our relationship with Jesus, or we will never dare to announce Him.  It would be terrible if the Lord came close to one of your friends, family or colleagues and they were not ready to welcome Him as Saviour and Lord.  We all need to be alert each day: our presence in the community or workplace is God's advertisement that Jesus wants to meet them.  So let us do our part well, together!


Dear Lord. Thank You for the way that You alerted me to the possibility that Jesus was calling me to be a disciple, and deal with the mess of my life. Forgive me for the times when I have drifted from my relationship with You and lost the confidence that You are infinitely powerful, and lost my desire to tell others about You. Please help me to work with You in such a way that those close to me, and those I meet as I work, are ready to welcome Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. Give me wisdom to share this and pray with another believer. Give me courage to speak and act and give me the confidence that You will work where I have announced Your gospel. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams