The Story Is Not Over
Endings look final, and usually are. The last day of employment and the last breath of a loved one signal one thing: this is the end. Numbness, anger and sadness are replaced by anxiety about the future, knowing that there will be no continuity of what was known and loved.
That was how the disciples felt, and the appearance of the risen Jesus did little to resolve their concerns; indeed, it added to them. So, Jesus ministered to their hearts from the Scriptures. First, He explained how the traumatic events of His death and resurrection were all part of God's salvation plan (Psalm 22:6-18). Hundreds of years previously, the prophets clearly described what would take place (Isaiah 53:4-9). Then He told them that the story was not over. The cross was not the end of the book, nor was the resurrection; they were just chapters in the middle of God's narrative of the world. So much was yet to come.
Yes, Jesus was alive, but the disciples (and the church) would not only follow Jesus but also assist Him. They would be given His power by the Holy Spirit to continue the work He started (Acts 1:8). That work would not be limited to Israel; it would extend to every people-group in the whole world (Galatians 3:28). Until then, Jesus had been the gospel-executive; thereafter His people would be the executive agents of the gospel, and wherever they went, the gospel would travel (Colossians 1:6). So the story would continue, and amazingly the church would be the new essential part of God's plan to save the world (Colossians 2:14-16). Of course, there is nothing we can do to add to the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, but without the message being broadcast, people would not know how to be saved (Colossians 1:24-27).
But there was one condition: the disciples could not do it alone, or even as a group - the job was impossible unless they were equipped by the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Neither can we! The Holy Spirit lives in those who submit themselves to Christ (Romans 8:9). We are totally dependent on His inspiration to fulfil His commission; we need to allow Him to refill us continually (Ephesians 5:18). That is the life's work of every believer ... witnessing to the saving work of Jesus before a rebellious but needy world. And in the same way that Jesus led people to understand God’s plan through the Scriptures, that must be our principal tool also. In the workplace, start a group to explore God's Word. In conversation, use the Bible as your authority. Let the Jesus-story continue where you live and work - and you will be amazed at how He will use you!
© Dr Paul Adams