Trusting Jesus' Word
Two of the disciples searched for the donkey Jesus had described (Luke 19:30); they really had no idea what they were getting into. All they were doing was obeying Jesus. As they untied the animal, the owners came up and asked them what they were doing. They said exactly what Jesus had told them to say, which the owners accepted as their authority to take the donkey away. And so they brought it to Jesus just as He had commanded them.
Taking off their own cloaks, they made a saddle for Jesus, and lifted Him onto the donkey for Him to ride. As the narrative says, this colt had not been ‘broken in’; nobody had ridden it, and normally everyone would expect the animal to rear up and throw Jesus off. But it did not. Even the dumb beast understood that it was under the authority of its Maker, and with no previous experience acted out its role obediently in the same way that Mary articulated "'I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.'" (Luke 1:38).
Most Western societies seem to encourage self-assertion and the rights of the individual. Alas there are many other places where people have little choice but to comply with the demands of rulers. But true believers everywhere (like the disciples and donkey owners of this story, and even the animal itself), respond to Jesus in a very different way.
People who trust Jesus’ Word are neither arrogantly self-assured, nor are they cowering under a repressive regime. They gladly and willingly accept that the Word of God is true and wholesome and believe it is right to obey, even though they do not understand the full implications. They neither try to throw Jesus off nor take Jesus over. True believers trust His Word and act accordingly. They let Jesus be in the driving seat and are confident that He does all things well (Mark 7:37). Trusting Jesus like that in the workplace is good for everybody because He does not only speak about ‘spiritual things’, but will give wisdom to those who trust Him for every decision at work, in the community and church and at home. Take Him seriously and He will take you into His purposes and make you more of a blessing than you could ever imagine.
© Dr Paul Adams