What's In A Name
Today's passage overlaps with yesterdays and is especially interesting because it shows two of Jesus' titles side by side. Jesus had often spoken of Himself as 'Son of Man' (78 times in the Gospels). It was a Messianic title from Daniel 7:13-14; and it also meant lowly humanity; it was God's name for the prophet Ezekiel, used 93 times in the prophecy. Applied to Jesus (86 times in the Gospels), the name means that He is fully human, the child of a human being and a servant of human beings.
His other title, 'Son of God' (used 22 times in the Gospels) was used cynically by Satan and demons (Matthew 4:3; Matthew 8:29); adoringly by disciples and gospel writers (Matthew 16:16); accusingly by Jewish lawyers (Matthew 26:63); and regretfully by the crucifying centurion (Matthew 27:54). The expression ‘Son of God’ was clearly understood by the religious crowds as meaning that He was equal with God (John 5:18). Although John later described Jesus as the 'Son of the Father' (2 John 1:3), Jesus chose to reveal His full identity at His trial, and confessed to being both fully human and fully God!
Jesus said that the Son of Man was to be exalted (Philippians 2:5-11). He was not only God's prophet, nor merely God's anointed servant; He had all the authority and power of the mighty God. To the Jews, Jesus was guilty of blasphemy. But it was true: Jesus is the Son of God with all the power and authority of God in His hand (Matthew 28:18). Although they were bringing Him to court, He was sitting in judgement over them and one day would find them guilty (Philippians 2:9-10).
What a Saviour! He is one who fully understands our humanity, and yet He was divinely sinless and able to bear the responsibility for all our wrongdoing and make us holy before God. If He was not human He could not have died to take our punishment; if He was not God He could not have been raised to give us new life: that is why He claimed to be the only way to the Father (John 14:6). What a Saviour! How can we respond? Worship Him, confess our sins to Him, receive forgiveness from Him, welcome Him into our hearts to be our Lord, know He is interceding for us, serve Him wholeheartedly, look forward to His coming again; and tell others the good news ... so that they may believe that Jesus is both the promised One and the Son of God, and joyfully receive His new life.
© Dr Paul Adams