A Large And Safe Place
Jesus was much misunderstood in His day, and still is now. He was not a rabbi wanting to extend Jewishness to the world, nor was He a military revolutionary, nor was He simply a wise teacher and kind miracle-worker. He had come to announce that He is the King, and to explain what His kingdom is like. In this parable He reveals the scale of that kingdom.
It starts by the planting of a seed; not many seed, just one. The seed is both the good news about the kingdom, and also the King Himself (John 12:23-24), and those who believe in Him. Like a seed apparently disintegrating in the ground, Jesus would physically die and be buried, but His resurrection would bring new life to many. The incarnation of Jesus, His ministry and atoning sacrifice was not a random scattering of seed but a deliberate planned action by the Godhead.
The death of Christ and the enthusiastic propagation of the gospel were considered small matters for both the religious leaders and the military occupying forces. However it was the biggest incursion of God's loving grace, ever. What might have seemed as small as a mustard seed would become so large that it would be a safe place for everybody who trusts in Jesus. His Kingdom is huge in scale and intimate in security.
Although many dismiss Jesus or downgrade Him in their minds, the truth is that His kingdom now extends to every recognised nation on earth. This is room for everybody who desires to be at home and at peace with God through Jesus Christ. The trainee apostles needed to understand that their mission was not to reproduce their old religious activities in ever widening circles: they were to announce a new kingdom which was big enough for all ... Jew and Gentile, male and female, young and old ... all ethnic groups from a multitude of religious philosophies. Nobody who wants to be in Jesus' kingdom is excluded. Therefore be confident to announce the gospel today to anybody the Lord brings across your path.
© Dr Paul Adams