A Very Different Hope
Jesus lived in occupied territory. Israel, God's Promised Land, had been invaded by the Roman army: the people had been conquered. They had to obey Roman laws and pay Roman taxes. However, as in many of the territories in the expanded Roman Empire, the Jews had been allowed to keep their religious practices and social customs - as long as their way of life did not rebel against the occupying forces.
But the Jews hated being oppressed by the Gentile invaders. They prayed and hoped for someone who would deliver them from oppression; a leader who would unite the country and force the Romans out of their country. But the prophecy in Isaiah 42:1-2, quoted by Jesus in today's verses, projected a very different picture of the Deliverer.
Jesus would not gather an army or fight the authorities; He would not lead a chanting crowd to riot through the streets. Jesus had no intention of crushing anybody or forcing them to join His cause. The Saviour of the world would not despise the weak in order to strengthen His influence, or do what was right but in a wrong way. Although the Jews were just concerned for their own country, God's plan of salvation was not just for Israel. He had come to save the whole world - including Romans who put their trust in Him.
In our busy world, with all its competitive tensions in business, the professions, academia, skilled and unskilled trades - the way of Jesus is largely forgotten. Where the world crushed the weak, Jesus lifts them up. When the world gives attention to the loudest voice, Jesus hears the smallest whisper. Where the world imposes power, Jesus welcomes people to accept His authority. When nations struggle for supremacy, Jesus offers the hope of true justice. He is a very different kind of Saviour, offering a very different hope for the future. In your corner of the world, if He has saved you, then live like Him in your workplace and community.
© Dr Paul Adams