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Travelling without Comforts

Luke 9:57-58
As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’ (NIVUK)

Jesus was popular; at least He was at this stage of His ministry (Matthew 15:30).  He attracted a following of those who admired Him and wanted to identify with His wisdom and wonderfully powerful deeds (Matthew 9:33). This man was one of those.  He wanted to follow Jesus wherever He went.  But he did not understand that the Saviour was going to the cross (Luke 9:22).  Rapturous applause would be replaced by ridicule and the wisest man alive would refuse to answer impertinent questions at a mock trial before going to His death (Isaiah 53:7).  None of the disciples understood either (Luke 9:45).

And yet the man wanted to be with Jesus.  It was certainly not a wrong desire; indeed, it was Jesus’ prayer for all of His disciples (John 17:24), to be with Him for ever in glory … and meanwhile He is always with us (Matthew 28:20; John 14:23).  But the personal cost of following through with a commitment to Jesus is so great that it is impossible without the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit (Luke 12:11-12).  

Jesus gently explained what they could grasp (John 16:12-15).  He may have been feted by the crowds, but He had no home.  At the end of every day, He slept on a borrowed bed or stayed up at night praying to Father God.  He was literally 'on a mission'.  He had no time for the trappings of a celebrity lifestyle.  Those who followed Him would suffer the same inconvenience and apparent uncertainty of their day-to-day lives.  Even foxes know where they are safe and birds have a familiar perch; but for Jesus, every day and night was different and no place guaranteed safety.  Safety lay only in His close relationship with Father God.

Interestingly, the church grows best when it is under persecution.  But Christians who have settled into the luxuries of pleasantly predictable lifestyles have little incentive to risk their friendships, reputation, employment, liberty or lives. However, all around the world today, where those threats present a daily challenge, those who live for Christ shine much more brightly.  It is as though comforts lull us into a false security that all is well, when really we are living in a world that is under the judgement of God.  Only His grace can save us, only His power can keep us and only His gospel tells of how to receive what He freely offers.  If we are true followers of Jesus Christ, we must risk the dangers of living and speaking like Jesus – trusting that the Lord will protect us until we meet Him (1 Peter 1:3-9).  Meanwhile, whatever your situation, please pray for your brothers and sisters who suffer more than you do.

Dear Lord. Thank You for the wonderful example of Jesus who did not invest in money, houses or possessions. Thank You that He was never deflected from His mission by surrounding Himself with personal comforts. Please forgive me when I have done that so that I could ignore my responsibilities as a follower of Jesus. And now I pray that You will strengthen my brothers and sisters throughout the world - those whose comforts have been taken away, or who have chosen to forsake them for the sake of the gospel. May Your promises be their daily encouragement, knowing that they are following in the steps of the Lord Jesus Christ. In His Name I pray. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams