The Journey to Heaven
Jesus had been telling the crowd that He is the Bread of Life, who had come from heaven … He sustains all who believe in Him, and will never reject them (John 6:35-38). They will be kept strong until heaven calls. On that last day Jesus Himself will give them new bodies which will last for all eternity (Philippians 3:20-21).
That was the Father's plan, and He would help people to believe in Jesus so that they will have eternal life and be raised at the last day. Jesus knew that was the reason why He came from heaven; not to provide daily meals for ever-aging bodies which will die someday, but rather to be the Bread of Life who strengthens all who believe in Him until they reach heaven (John 6:32-33).
Humanly, we think about our lives in selfish terms: what are we going to eat, what are we going to wear?; but Jesus said we must first seek His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:25-33). The purpose of Jesus coming to earth was not to make life more comfortable for us so that we could indulge our selfish hopes and ambitions, but rather that we should believe in Him as the Way to heaven (John 14:6). All those who do should be confident that Jesus will never drive them away and that they will be included in the great resurrection when Jesus comes back to reign as the undisputed King.
This is the confidence which enables Christians to endure the worst of hardships and have joy in the depth of trouble. The words of Jesus are enough to reassure us that we will be safely held all the way through this life until heaven calls or Jesus comes again. Therefore, we can rely on Jesus. He will never abandon us, and will strengthen us every day until we see Him face to face (1 Corinthians 13:12). Is that your confidence? Please meditate on today's verses. Let the Lord who spoke them to the crowds, speak to you personally.
© Dr Paul Adams