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Impossibility Made Possible

Luke 18:23-27
When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was very wealthy. Jesus looked at him and said, ‘How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.’ Those who heard this asked, ‘Who then can be saved?’ Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.’ (NIVUK)

The rich young ruler, who wanted to be certain of his eternal destiny, faced Jesus' analysis of his heart.  Although the man was religious, disciplined and socially moral, he had a secret idol - wealth!  It was his security, the centre of his ambitions, the focus of his dreams and the passion of his heart (1 Timothy 6:9-10).  So, Jesus told him that if he wanted eternal life with God in the centre, he must abandon the earthly riches which were controlling him and follow Jesus as his Lord and Master.  But it was too much for the young man to accept.  Despite his heart being challenged, he could not imagine life without his money and possessions.  Although he wanted a life with God, he chose to have his comfortable lifestyle rather than God's approval and heaven.

Jesus knew that the decision to sell his possessions would be very hard to make.  But it was the essential test if he was to gain God’s eternal reward.  The Lord commented that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a tentmaker's needle (an impossibility in itself!), than for rich people to decide to abandon their favourite idol of wealth to accept Jesus as Lord.  Salvation is not a religiously earned prize but a God initiated, God implemented, God announced and God guaranteed gift to all who will believe (Romans 10:11).  

The disciples, who had wrongly assumed that rich people had more influence with God, were perplexed: if it is hard for the rich to get into God's kingdom, then surely nobody else stands a chance!  Jesus said that it is God who brings people into His kingdom ... and the route is by hearing and obeying Jesus.  The rich man failed that essential test.  He was sad that he could not have everything he loved and heaven as well - but in holding onto his idol, he rejected heaven.  In fact, he would lose everything, because he would also leave his wealth behind the moment he died (Luke 12:16-21).

This is a sad story, alas repeated in many lives.  But what would have happened if the man had said to Jesus, ‘I really want Your kingdom, but I am struggling to give up my idol, please help me.’?  God's help is only a prayer away (Mark 9:24).  Those who want what is right but wrestle with the wrong in their lives, do receive help from the Lord if they want it.  And that applies to the poor as well as the wealthy, old as well as young.  Indeed, everybody who comes to the Lord needs help to turn around and be converted.  That is the wonderful truth of the gospel that whoever wants to come, can do so by God's grace.  If that is true of you, then give thanks and rejoice.  If you are still struggling, cry out to the Lord to help you resist the familiar idols which have controlled your life.  If you have only just heard the call of Jesus, do not ignore it; and if there are obstacles in the way, ask Him to help you to deal with them.

Almighty and most gracious God. Thank You that You do not desire the death of a sinner but that all shall come to repentance and live. I repent of those idols which have controlled me and kept me from Your love. Help me to hear Your voice and to reject those things which are calling me to resist Your command to obey. I need Your help, especially in those areas where I struggle, or matters which I have believed to be impossible to resolve. But I do really want to embrace the eternal future You have planned for me. So, I throw myself on Your mercy and seek Your grace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book: 

© Dr Paul Adams