Repent And Be Forgiven
Following the healing of the lame beggar, the crowd wanted to know who did it. Peter and John were clear: it was not them but Jesus (Acts 3:12-13). It was a shock to the religious people, who had only recently demanded Christ's death, when they were told that they had killed the Author of life (Acts 3:15) but He was alive again and has great power.
The apostles accepted that they did not realise what they were doing (Luke 23:34) but it was still wicked and a great insult to God to reject Jesus. The people and their leaders wanted their own power undisturbed and they were envious that Jesus had more authority then they did, and so they did not want Him in their lives. It was exactly what the Old Testament prophets said: Jesus confirmed it (Luke 20:14). The prophets also announced that He would suffer and die to pay for the sins of the world (Isaiah 53:6).
What were they to do? Repent, said Peter, echoing 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Isaiah 55:6-7. Plead with God for mercy (Luke 18:13); that is the only way forward. Repentance is an admission and disgust of personal sin, the craving to put ourselves first, with a desire never to return to that way of life again. God honours that cry; He promises to forgive (1 John 1:9) and never remember those offences any more (Micah 7:19). In His grace, He removes even the memory of our sins as far as the East is from the West (Psalm 103:12); and He commands a fresh start by His grace (Romans 8:1).
Jesus said that repentance needed to start in Jerusalem and then spread out to the whole world (Luke 24:47). That is the gospel message which is still being proclaimed. Repentance is not easy; it crushes out pride but exposes us to God's mercy and enables us to receive His grace. While the world cries out for the distraction of something new, repentance brings real refreshment. That message is an essential part of the gospel. Not just that God loves sinners, but that sinners must repent before they can receive His mercy and grace. After that, His blessings can flow (Romans 8:32). So when you speak to people about Jesus, tell the whole truth if you want them to be saved, forgiven and refreshed (Acts 20:21).
© Dr Paul Adams