Jesus Is The Only Way To The Father
Mountaineers love new climbs, but always take a local guide. These people know how to get to the summit and back again because they have done it before. They are safe guides. Jesus had already used that analogy about Himself in John 3:13: “No-one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.” Thomas had forgotten where Jesus was going and therefore was baffled about how the disciples might follow Him.
So Jesus explains again. Christ was the ultimate guide to heaven; nobody else had been there and therefore nobody else was competent to lead people to Father God. Jesus said that there was no other way. It was a strong message then, and continues to be strong today. Especially when it is coupled to Christ’s claim to be truth in a human body and the ultimate life-giver.
In a world where many claim to introduce people to heaven, this claim of Jesus Christ stands out as either transparently true, or arrogantly false. There is no middle ground which lets us think of Jesus as a wise teacher. Either He is the way to the Father or He is not. Those who believe in Him are made children of God (John 1:12). Is that true for you? Watch and share it with others around you!
© Dr Paul Adams