Encouraged To Keep Going In The Truth
The apostles in Jerusalem had agreed that nothing should prevent Gentiles coming to faith in Jesus: they did not need to follow the Jewish law in order to be saved. They sent a letter with their conclusions 'down' to Antioch. That letter came as a huge relief to the believers. They had been unsettled by self-appointed but misguided Christians, denying the teaching of Paul and Barnabas that God's grace is for everybody who trusts in Jesus.
That shook the faith of the believers and their confidence in Paul's ministry. Judas and Silas, the two leaders from Jerusalem who accompanied the letter, spent some time with the church encouraging the believers in the truth, affirming Paul and Barnabas, and correcting those who had been confused by wrong teaching. Their visit was a real blessing because they confirmed what was true and denounced what was false.
The result was that Paul and Barnabas could once more get on with their gospel ministry; and they encouraged many others to do the same. It was one thing to be persecuted by unbelievers, but when God's servants are attacked by other believers the result is often crippling to the ministry (Psalm 55:12-14). The affirmation of Paul and Barnabas by the apostles in Jerusalem liberated their ministry, and multiplied it as others were emboldened to proclaim the gospel with fresh courage and conviction that it is true.
Many people have been spiritually crippled by false teaching. Those who are brazen will pursue their own gospel-less brand of faith. Those who have sensitive consciences will prefer to do nothing to risk promoting error. That is why pastors have the vital task of teaching the truth from God's Word, confronting error, correcting wrong understanding and encouraging people to minister the Word of truth to others (2 Timothy 4:1-5). Yet pastors can also be submerged by the complaining of their people who have accepted false teaching. Both the church and the pastors need encouragement from godly authorities, such as the 2010 Lausanne Cape Town Commitment by contemporary international Bible Teachers affirming all that the apostles have written. Click to read the full text from the BeaconLight site - click here for a free download. It will encourage you to encourage others in the truth (Jude 1:17-23)!
© Dr Paul Adams