False Witnesses Against Christ
It was a legal process. Even though the trial was not held under Roman law, the Chief Priests were still bound by the principles in the Old Testament law. The rules of evidence in Deuteronomy 19:15-21 demanded that an accusation should not be upheld against an accused person unless two or three independent witnesses gave the same evidence of the crime. Also the judge must make a thorough investigation of the accusation and the defendant was allowed to explain his case. If the witnesses were proved to be false, then they should be put to death.
Two chief priests sat to judge Jesus: Caiaphas and his father-in-law Anna (who had been Chief Priest before him but still had authority or influence as a judge). But they had no interest in a fair trial. They had already decided a guilty verdict and so they needed witnesses to agree with them. Yes, it was a corrupt court. Especially as a number of witnesses came forward but their evidence could not be supported by anybody else – yet they suffered no penalty.
The two men came forward claiming that Jesus said that He would destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days. They used the same words but were both inaccurate. Jesus actually said, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." (John 2:19). What He was saying was that if other people destroyed His body then He would come back to life in three days. After the resurrection the disciples remembered the exact words He had used and their significance (John 2:20-22). When given the opportunity to defend Himself, Jesus remained silent.
Many people speak against Jesus Christ, the Word of God, God the Son and the Saviour of the world. He is ignored and ridiculed; His name is used as a swear word; He is defamed and His people are persecuted – but that does not mean He is guilty of any accusation. The false witnesses are not punished, yet. But God is not unjust. He who has seen and heard everything will judge fairly as everybody will tell the truth about themselves one day (Romans 14:12). That is why it is vital that persecutors and blasphemers should come to Jesus in repentance and faith so that they will be saved from His wrath. So even if you are ridiculed for belonging to Jesus – tell them the truth about Him, His love for them and His power to save them. Some, like the Apostle Paul, will listen and trust in Jesus before it is too late.
© Dr Paul Adams