Ridiculing God
The prisoner was no ordinary man. He was also the fullness of the Godhead in a human body (Colossians 2:9), God the Son (Matthew 26:63-64), the King of kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16) and the Creator of the universe (John 1:3; Hebrews 1:2). But the soldiers did not know or care as they ridiculed Him.
The notice which would be nailed to His cross said, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews". So they roughly stripped off His clothes and flung a purple robe over Him. They rammed a crown of long sharp thorns onto His head and put a short wooden pole into His right hand, cynically imitating a royal sceptre. Their low-bowing homage was no more heart-felt than their chants of "Hail the King of the Jews!"
This was not a group of soldiers doing their job. It became very personal. They spat in His face as a sign of intense loathing for an evil person who ought to be despised (Isaiah 53:3) and repeatedly hit Him around the head with the pole. Blood-stained and weak from the flogging and this beating, Jesus was roughly dressed in His own clothes, in which He so recently taught and healed people, but now making Him identifiable as the most hated person on earth. Then they loaded the cross piece onto His shoulder and led Him through the crowded streets towards His death.
It is almost too terrible a sight to describe, and few of us really want to dwell on the details. And yet the Father planned it so that we could be forgiven (John 3:16). It was for us that He suffered (Romans 5:8) so that we could be made right with God (2 Corinthians 5:21). Read that again slowly and let it sink in. That is how much God loves you. And His grace does not stop there – He is also glad to give you all that you need as you follow Jesus (Romans 8:32). So what is your response? It ought to be to worship Jesus from the depths of a grateful heart, giving real honour to the real King. But it will also be shame, because it is your sins which are the evidence that you have also despised Him. Run to Him for mercy; confess and seek forgiveness. And learn to worship Him in a lifestyle devoted to Him.
© Dr Paul Adams