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1 Timothy 5:17-18
The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honour, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For Scripture says, ‘Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,’ and ‘The worker deserves his wages.’ (NIVUK)

Paul had been writing about how the Ephesian church should make decisions about supporting people who had no income, and especially widows (1 Timothy 5:3-16).  He then turned to church elders who were unable to earn a living because of the demands of church leadership and especially the work of explaining God’s Word.  As the church expanded throughout the Roman Empire they encountered travelling sophists (philosophers who spoke well in public) who commanded a good income.  By contrast, Paul and his apostolic team did not ask for money; instead they worked as tent-menders in local markets (Acts 20:34; 2 Corinthians 11:9).  When the church was established in Ephesus, Paul continued his ‘tent-making’ for about 3 years while he taught the church.
However, as the Ephesian church grew, it became obvious that some elders were well able to teach and preach, and needed to be released from their ‘day jobs’ in order to serve in the gospel ministry of the church.  Paul then authorised Timothy to say that the ‘tent-making’ model of the travelling apostle which differentiated him from a travelling philosopher, may not be a sustainable way to support a full-time local ministry.  Therefore the elders should be properly supported financially.  

Using the words God gave to Moses in Deuteronomy 25:4, and the words Jesus spoke in Luke 10:7, Paul advised that those people who gave all their time to the work of ministry should be financially supported to do it.  That was how the Old Testament priests were able to live (Nehemiah 13:4-5).  Paul was clear that the financial and other support should not be mean or inadequate for the minister’s needs.  Some of the hardships Paul suffered voluntarily should not be the only model of ministry.  Those who are married and work hard in the gospel should receive enough to sustain their family.
Sadly, these verses have been used by some greedy ministers to extract more money from their churches.  But there are still many more poor pastors than rich ones, and the principle remains true.  We should pray for those who labour as pastors, teachers and evangelists; but we should also ensure that they have sufficient means to fulfil their ministry and support their families.  Of course, many churches simply do not have enough money, but perhaps that is one reason why the needs should be made known to all the church, so that God’s instruction in these verses can be honoured through increased giving (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

Almighty God. I know that You have all the resources in the universe at Your command. I am sorry when I have failed to give enough to support the work of the ministry. Please help me to understand that Your church can only grow as people whom You appoint are free to work hard for You. Then give me the courage to release some of the money You have given me, to support Your servants. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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