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Reaping the Harvest (1)

Revelation 14:14-16

This scene in John's vision seems to be between heaven and earth. A figure is sitting on a cloud above the earth, prepared for action. Who is this figure? The depiction of 'one like a son of man' echoes

Reaping the Harvest (2)

Revelation 14:17-20

In this part of John's vision, the angels continue the reaping of the harvest of the earth. The text identifies the sixth and seventh angel of this scene of the vision in chapter 14.

Praise for God's Wrath

Revelation 15:1-3a

In the preceding verses we saw angels preparing to 'harvest the earth' (Revelation 14:14-20), resulting in the trampling of the grape harvest in the 'winepress of God’s wrath' (

Praise for God's Character Including His Wrath

Revelation 15:3b-4

As angels get ready to pour out the final plagues from the bowls of God's wrath (Revelation 15:1;

The Witness of God's Covenant and Glory

Revelation 15:5-8

This scene in heaven looked like the tabernacle, the centre of worship and the reminder of God's covenant law. The way into the Holy of Holies was open: the curtain to exclude people from the most holy place was not there (Matthew 27:50-51).

Bowls of Wrath 1 & 2

Revelation 16:1-3

John's vision, given to him by Jesus, now enters a new phase. You may recall that the Lamb (Jesus) opened the seven seals (Revelation 6:1-17) which describe divine judgements on a rebellious world.

Bowls of Wrath 3

Revelation 16:4-7

Water is essential for life. In this third series of physical plagues that God will send on the earth at the end of time, the poisoning of the seas has already been seen killing all living creatures in the water (Revelation 16:3).

Bowls of Wrath 4 & 5

Revelation 16:8-11

This last series of judgements on unrepentant humanity is both cosmic and personal. As people declare their allegiance to the beast (the Antichrist:

Bowls of Wrath 6

Revelation 16:12-16

'The battle to end all battles'. That is how this Armageddon has been described. Much has been written about these verses which echo Old Testament passages and point forward to a confrontation between a confederation of earthly authorities under the leadership of the beast (Antichrist), guided by the other beast (false prophet) under the control of the devil and his demons. This sixth bowl of wrath is paradoxical: instead of God crushing those against Him, He removes all restraint from these mutually energised forces so that they have extra boldness to assault God's people.

Bowls of Wrath 7

Revelation 16:17-21

This is the seventh plague of the third series of plagues. The vision was a revelation to John of what will take place before the end of time. He sees the angel pouring out God's wrath into the air and witnesses the effect on the world and on rebellious humanity. The sign is interpreted by God's voice from the throne of heaven declaring that the plagues are complete. No more opportunity would be given for sinners to repent. And yet those who survived refused to submit to God: they cursed Him, compounding their guilt and validating their eternal punishment to come.
