God's Purpose and Method
Many people are confused about God's purpose. What is He trying to do? Christian faith is not primarily about making us feel better or providing for our needs. These verses tell us: God's plan is for people to become like Jesus! As we do, we will exhibit the family characteristics of God because we are siblings of God's Son (Hebrews 2:11).
In that family relationship we may have confidence that our Father will also safeguard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7) and supply every need (Philippians 4:19). But His essential goal is to mould us into the nature of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:5).
God does not work randomly. He personally knows all who will come to Him and He pursues them, calling them to repentance and faith. When we submit to His call by putting our faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, He justifies us by His grace - making us 'right with God' (Romans 5:1). But that is not the end. He continues to work in us (Romans 8:28) until we can be revealed sharing His glory (2 Thessalonians 2:14). He is so confident about the end-result of His work that 'glorified' is in the past tense, as though it has already happened.
Yet the path between our calling and our glorification is a challenge to our flesh. It is also the path of suffering (Romans 8:17). All along that path we must trust Him that He knows what He is doing, working everything into His glorious conclusion. And even when the pathway is hard, we need to be confident that God only allows it so that we can become like Jesus. The hope of glory continues to sustain many believers all over the world. And when the tough times come to you, don't forget it is all part of God's work: making you like Jesus.
© Dr Paul Adams