Wake up to Reality
Naturally, we all settle into a routine of life, assuming that the work we have to do, and the people to whom we relate, will remain constant. We easily develop a false sense of security in which we plan to develop our own comfort and welfare. However, Paul instructed the believers in Rome to wake up and face reality. However good their life might have been it was certainly not heaven!
It is important to understand the times in which we live, using God’s Word as the reference point of what is good or evil (Psalm 119:9-16). See the world through His eyes and you will not want to mould yourself into its shape (Romans 12:1-2). Knowing that God started the world, and He will end it with the judgement of every person who has ever lived (2 Peter 3:3-7), should remove the common presumption that everything will continue for ever in the same way with no accountability before God.
Christians always need to remember that Jesus is coming again (2 Peter 3:8-13). We do not know when, but we can be confident that He will return. Therefore, this time we have on earth is to prepare our hearts for eternity with Him. However, Satan would like to lull us to sleep. He wants us to believe that this life, our relationships and possessions should all be focussed on ourselves and our own pleasure. But we must wake up: that is an illusion, a dream. Jesus is coming soon and we need to get ready (Ephesians 5:8-20).
Preparing for His return is quite straightforward. We must permanently discard those thoughts, attitudes, words and actions which are ungodly, and embrace everything which will delight Jesus when He comes. But it will be a battle inside ourselves. That is why we need God's armour (Ephesians 6:10-18); every part of which shines to give confidence to the believer and fear to the enemy. However, having heard God's Word waking us up, we need to make those active choices which will reject the works of darkness as being evil, and place our confidence in God's armour as we choose a new lifestyle following Jesus.
© Dr Paul Adams