Word@Work, Let God's Word energise your working day!


Be Devoted to Doing Good

Titus 3:8

"This is a trustworthy saying."  Paul writes this five times in his letters.  It probably related to an early hymn or confessional statement, and it was endorsed by Paul as he instructed Titus.  The New Testament writers insisted that truth could never be isolated from action (unlike the heresies which had crept into the early church) (James 2:17).  Paul also taught that faith in Jesus was not valid if it was not expressed in disciplined, practical action.

Avoid Religious Arguments

Titus 3:9-11

Everybody is religious.  Even those who claim to be atheists 'believe' that there is no God, and therefore create their own self-centred religion.  In Crete, Titus had responsibility for many new Christians as churches were springing up in every city (Titus 1:5).  Some had previously worshipped pagan gods, and others tried to keep the Jewish Law.  However, instead of focussing on Jesus, sharing His gospel and living for Him, they played 'church games' - arguing endlessly about interpretations of the Jewish Law or even the ideas preached by travelling philosophers or priests in the pagan tem

Partners in God's Business

Titus 3:12-13

Friends are important.  In business, colleagues are essential: in ministry, partners are indispensable.  Paul had developed a network of trusted fellow-workers who served alongside him, could be sent ahead of him, or trusted to follow up the gospel ministry which Paul started.  Titus was one of those people.  When Paul was beginning what proved to be a hugely demanding ministry in, what is now, Greece, he could not continue without the fellowship of Titus (2 Corinthians 2:12-13; 2 Corinthians 7:6).

Live Productive Lives

Titus 3:14-15

Laziness is easy.  It does not require any effort or thought.  However, unoccupied hands and undisciplined minds invite Satan to tempt us to wickedness (Ephesians 4:25-28).  It was apparently a problem in Crete where laziness was part of the national character (Titus 1:12) and therefore Paul instructed that the new Christians should learn a new way of life allowing no space for Satan to work.  At the same time, by doing what was good and right, they would earn their own living, provide for their families, and be good examples to the church.
